KRIXZON: Historical Archive

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A Universe of Adventure Awaits


14-July-2046   Astronomers on Earth, using the James Webb Telescope, announce a shocking discovery:  an apparent wormhole has been observed in the Kuiper Belt about 7.2 light-hours from Earth.

10-April-2047   A new worldwide space agency has been formed:  Global Space Exploration Agency (GSEA; pronounced GEE-SEE) to be headquartered in Switzerland with the sole purpose to explore the recently discovered wormhole at the edge of our solar system.  

20-Dec-2048  World is rocked by a massive volcano that erupted along the Pacific rim.   Global warming impacts already spiraling out of control fast than anyone expected are now expected to severely cripple the ability for earth to sustain life at current levels in 75 years.

19-Jan-2049  GSEA announces a global effort to reach the wormhole and attempt to explore what is on the “other side” of the wormhole.

16-Sept-2049  GSEA launches a probe to reach the wormhole, now designated with the name:  TimeTunnel.  The probe is the most expensive space vehicle ever built and outfitted with the latest ion propulsion engines.  The probe will reach the wormhole in less than 12 months.

18-March-2050  GSEA reports that the probe enroute to TimeTunnelhas passed the half way point.  With speeds increasing constantly, the probe will reach Savior-1 in about 6 months.  The probe has a nickname:  TimeTraveler

16-Aug-2050  GSEA reports the probe has begun its deceleration and will reach its target in 27 days.

15-Sept-2050 GSEA has been releasing images of the wormhole and the surrounding area for the past 4 months.  Images released today show a intricate and awe inspiring 37 minute video of the wormhole opening and 36 minutes later closing.  The cycle repeats itself once every 19 hours.  No theories have been advanced that explain why this cycle happens.

14-Dec-2050  A large volcanic eruption has taken place in Washington State.  The size of this eruption is at least two times the magnitude of the volcano that erupted in December 2040.  Scientists predict that 60% of all life on Earth will perish in the next 15 years.

12-Jan-2051  GSEA announces that the first of 15 mini probes have been launched into the wormhole.  No word on what was discovered on the other side.

13-March-2051 GSEA announces that a solar system has been discovered on the other side of the wormhole.  Images show a trinary star system and several planets, moons and asteroids.  Preliminary analysis shows no signs of intelligent life.

12-April-2051  GSEA releases details on one planet in particular.  These details show a world, that MAY be capable of sustaining human life.  Additional analysis and data will be released as soon as it is deemed credible and reasonably accurate.

12-May-2051  GSEA starts a planet naming challenge to all school children in the world.

11-July-2051  The new planet is named: Krixzon(pronounced  KRIX-ZON).  The name was produced by entering the top 100 most popular entries and having a computer system generate a list of names that have no current meaning in any Earth language.  

10-Aug-2051 A leaked TOP SECRET document complete with video is released to the Internet and the content shocks the world.  People everywhere revolt against their leaders as secrets are revealed about Krixzon. The document shows a world that is already terraformed to some extent and looks ready to colonize immediately.  World leaders must now reveal all that is known and planned.

12-Aug-2051 It is revealed that a single ship was launched 9 months ago and that it has a crew of 35 scientists and specialists that are en route to Krixzon to determine the viability of colonization.  Their initial mission is oversee the AI based robots that were sent ahead 12 months ago to build a orbiting space station that be called:  Krixzon Space Station (KSS).  The robots and materials sent were massive in number but hidden from the public for security reasons.  Prefabricated sections and materials that would become the KSS.

9-Sept-2051  The United Nations and GSEA announce a worldwide project to continue terraforming and make ready the planet Krixzon for colonization within 3 years.  Critics immediately blast the project as "pie in the sky" and "colossal waste of funds" and vow to never let it happen.  Supporters insist this is a hope for humanity and that our earth will be unable to sustain human life past the year 2055 so it is imperative this project proceed immediately.   Every nation in the world has committed resources.  This will be the largest project ever attempted by mankind.

9-Oct-2051 A continuous flow of ships with AI based robots and materials are being sent to Krixzon to expand the KSS and continue terraforming the planet itself.  Overhead drones have photographed and mapped the entire surface of Krixzon.  What is released to the public is absolutely astonishing.  People all over the world are now consumed with everything that is Krixzon.  Ships of settlers are being sent to Krixzon on a daily basis.  These people will be among the first settlers on a new planet.​

(unknown to anyone on Earth or Krixzon)

10-Oct-2051 The Orb, on Krixzon, awakens as a radio wave from a drone passes over it.  It starts it's journey to Earth with an unknown mission - it will not be detected by Earth robots or any settler ships passing through the wormhole.

10-Oct-2051 Maggie Kelly's epic journey begins...