​​The Krixzon Universe is where the chronicles of brave adventurers like you play out an epic survival story in an online MMORPG* game for smartphones and tablets (iOS devices first followed by Android devices) where only the bravest and smartest will have any hope for survival.

Woven into this universe is Book 1 - Krixzon: Discovery. A complete stand alone science fiction novel to be published as the game is released for playing. Live feeds from GSEA officials and National News outlets are the glue that connects book and game together to form the Krixzon Universe.

Live News Feeds.  Daily live news feeds, historical timelines, backstory and lore will be available on this web site.  Feeds are from Krixzon officials and news outlets reporting live on the Krixzon missions.  Live information can be used in-game for special rewards.


A Universe of Adventure Awaits

*MMORPG:  Massively multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.

 Copyright © 2015-2024 Epic Swift Systems LLC. All rights reserved.

Krixzon: Discovery is the first in a series of complete novels that tell the stories of NASA Astronaut Maggie Kelly and her adventures in the Krixzon Universe.  The book is 100% stand alone and the online game is not required to enjoy the book.

Krixzon: Discovery is the first in a series of MMORPG* games for smartphones and tablets that allow you to become part of the action and adventure in the Krixzon Universe.  Free to play.Offers in-app purchases.  The book and game are each 100% standalone and one is NOT required to enjoy the other. However, both together will enhance your reading and game play experience.