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KRIXZON: DISCOVERY    (newest information displays on top)

{ Earth Date:  29-July-2072,  09:05 GMT, Global News Flash }  

Real Time Sat Feed:  /Channel: G-29-8-@AA/

The GSEA Office of Public Relations has released a short video simulation that shows the orbit of Krixzon around it's trinary suns.   When asked why this information was not released sooner, no explanation was given. The simulation was reviewed by astrophysics experts and they confirm such an orbital path is certainly possible but without access to the raw, unedited data stream, they would not go on record as saying this is an accurate orbital path.  XTBS News has requested access to the raw data stream but has not received a reply as of the time this entry is being posted.  The video simulation will be available as soon as we process and add overlay text identifiers on the video.

{{ Posted: J. Lathrop, XTBS News Space Operations Senior Reporter, Madrid, Spain.   
Contact:  X-4766-329-Lathrop-J }}

{ Earth Date:  17-July-2072,  11:15 GMT, Global News Flash }  

Real Time Sat Feed:  /Channel: G-29-8-@AA/

Officials at GSC-O (Global Space Command-Operations) in Helsinki, Norway issued a priority A1 directive to the armada of spaceships carrying settlers bound for the planet Krixzon.  The directive was to activate  colonization plans immediately and with highest priority.   This shaves 3 months off the very carefully tuned plans that have been underway for the past 39 months.  Officials declined to comment when asked for clarification on the matter. However, XTBS news has learned from an unconfirmed source within GSC-O  that a catastrophic event has taken place at the Krixzon Space Station (KSS) which puts the entire mission at extreme risk of failure and the potential loss of thousands of lives.

GSC-O has scheduled a live news conference at 16:00 GMT today.  XTBS News will have a live feed of the press conference via drone transmission with on-going analysis following the statements by GSC-O.  The publically available time delay live video feed from the armada has been suspended, further adding to an already tense situation.

Background on the Krixzon Mission available on archival channels.

{{ Posted: J. Lathrop, XTBS News Space Operations Senior Reporter, Madrid, Spain.  

Contact:  X-4766-329-Lathrop-J }}

{Original Source:  Global Space Command Headquarters (GSC-HQ) last updated:  30-June-2074, 08:00 GMT.  Additional reporting and commentary by XTBS News Division }

{ ‘Live’ < 7.2 hour time delay>

Video Feed from Thrace Point in the Kuiper Belt available from GSC-O }

 << currently disabled as of 11:00 GMT 17-July-2074 — GSEA has no comment on why this feed has been disabled >> }

A short video clip has been obtained from a source within GSEA.  The source wishes to remain unidentified as he/she is not authorized to speak on behalf of GSEA.  The video, if proven to be real, is disturbing to watch and XTBS News continues to press GSEA for additional details about this and other related Press Releases.  Parents are urged to exercise caution.

The video has not been validated or sanctioned by GSEA.  Viewers are cautioned that this may not be in fact actual video from the Krixzon Space Relay Station.  Technical editors  are attempting to validate the authenticity of the video and further developments will be reported as soon as they become available.